REduction of COgnitive BIAses in intelligence analysis
RECOBIA is small/medium-scale focused research project in the SECURITY challenge of 7th framework programme of the EC. Its acronym stands for REduction of COgnitive BIAses in Intelligence Analysis.
The aim of the RECOBIA project is to improve the quality of intelligence analysis by reducing the negative impact of cognitive biases upon intelligence analysis. To this end, the 10 partners of the consortium will make an assessment of cognitive biases and assess how these biases affect the practice of intelligence analysis. Building on this initial assessment, best practices to reduce the negative impact of cognitive biases will be defined, likely to be found in the domains of software tools, training of analysts and organisational issues.
The RECOBIA project consortium consists of companies working in the field of intelligence analysis (CEIS, Hawk, Zanasi SrL) and IT (Thales, Atos), research centres (CEA, University of Konstanz, Graz University of Technology) and psychologists (ISEA Psy) specialised in cognitive biases. The coordinator of the project is CEIS.
In order to focus the research and development on the needs and requirements of professional analysts, their involvement is facilitated through the organisation of a series of workshops. During those workshops, the end-users will be able to express their needs and requirements. On the other hand, the researchers and developers of the consortium will be able to receive input and guidance in order to identify and develop appropriate solutions. The EUROSINT FORUM is in charge of this task. The EUROSINT FORUM is a pan-European network of over 400 intelligence professionals working in agencies and administrations across the Member States and EU institutions.
The main focus of TUGraz lies on the establishment of formalized and psychologically-sound frameworks to identify the cognitive biases and to provide de-biasing strategies.
- Dietrich Albert
- Michael Bedek
- Reinhard Suck
- Lisa-Christina Winter
Partners: EU-Homepage – Participants
Graz Partner: Knowledge Technologies Institute, Graz University of Technology, Austria/Europe
Duration: 01.02.2012 – 31.01.2015 (36 months)
Funding: Supported by the 7th framework (Information and Communication Technologies) programme (FP7-ICT, STREP) of the European Commission. Grant No.: 285010
- Total Budget: € 4,480,481.00
- Total Funding: € 3,215,454.00
- CSS Budget: € 289,000.00