Das A+CHIS-Projekt sucht aktuell Studienteilnehmer:innen für eine Online-Untersuchung

Liebe:r Interessierte:r,

im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts der Cognitive Science Section an der Universität Graz wird eine Studie zu Informationsdarstellungen durchgeführt. Die Teilnahme an der Studie ist flexibel und bequem von zuhause aus online möglich. Bitte verwenden Sie dafür kein Smartphone.

Der Zugang zur Online-Teilnahme ist über diesen Link möglich: https://edu.survey.uni-graz.at/index.php/456476?lang=de

Psychologiestudierende der Universität Graz erhalten für die Teilnahme an der Studie 30 Minuten Untersuchungsscheine.
– 18 Jahre
– Deutsch als Erstsprache bzw. mindestens B2-Niveau

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Interesse!
Das A+CHIS-Team der Cognitive Science Section

ITHACA Meeting in Bratislava

Maria Zangl and Michael Bedek from the Cognitive Science Section traveled to Bratislava for the plenary meeting of the research project “ITHACA – Artificial Intelligence to enhance civic participation”. Aim of the meeting was to continue on the development of an AI-supported citizen participation platform with the partners of this EU project.

A+CHIS at the Long Night of Research 2024

Together with our colleagues from the Graz University of Technology and the Medical University of Graz, the Cognitive Science Section team at the Graz University managed an interactive booth at the Long Night of Research 2024 in Graz on May 24th (https://langenachtderforschung.at/). Numerous visitors had the opportunity to try out the current version of the A+CHIS-prototype, experiencing research firsthand during its development and evaluation phases. At the same time, their interest and valuable feedback made a significant contribution towards creating a user-oriented and easily accessible consumer health information system.

Paper published: AI-enabled playful enhancement of resilience and self-efficacy with psychological learning theory

The following paper has been published:

Paletta, L., Russegger, S., Albert, D., Reininghaus, E., Lenger, M., Fellner, M., Lutz, T., Pszeida, M., Draxler, S., Orgel, T., Schneeberger, M., Guggemos, S., Mosbacher, J., Spat, S., & Pötz, G. (2023). AI-enabled playful enhancement of resilience and self-efficacy with psychological learning theory. In L. Paletta, H. Ayaz & U. Asgher (Eds.), Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 73. AHFE International, USA. 20 – 24 July 2023, San Francisco, USA. doi:10.54941/ahfe1003973 [Conference] [doi] [pdf (Conference)]

The paper was presented at the AHFE International Conference, San Francisco, USA (July 20-24, 2023).

Paper published: Impact of Robot Related User Pre-experience on Cognitive Load, Trust, Trustworthiness and Satisfaction with VR Interfaces

The following paper has been published:

Frering, L., Koenczoel, C., Mosbacher, J. A., Kames, M., Eder, M., Mohr-Ziak, P., Gabl, S., Kalkofen, D., Albert, D., Kubicek, B., & Steinbauer-Wagner, G. (2023). Impact of Robot Related User Pre-Experience on Cognitive Load, Trust, Trustworthiness and Satisfaction with VR Interfaces. Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2023 (pp. 123-131). Mechanisms and Machine Science (Vol. 135). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32606-6_15 [Springer] [doi]

The paper will be presented at the 32nd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2023 (June 14-16, 2023).