CULTivating Understanding and Research through Adaptivity

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CULTURA’s innovative adaptive services and interactive environment will offer genuine user empowerment and unprecedented levels of engagement with digital cultural heritage collections and communitiesA key challenge facing curators and providers of digital cultural heritage across Europe and Worldwide is to instigate, increase and enhance engagement with digital humanities collections. To achieve this, a fundamental change in the way cultural artefacts are experienced and contributed to by communities is required. CULTURA will pioneer the development of next generation adaptive systems which will provide new forms of multi-dimensional adaptivity:

  • personalised information retrieval and presentation which respond to models of user and contextual intent
  • community-aware adaptivity which responds to wider community activity, interest, contribution and experience
  • content-aware adaptivity which responds to the entities and relationships automatically identified within the artefacts and across collections
  • personalised dynamic storylines which are generated across individual as well as entire collections of artefacts




Partners: EU-Homepage – Participants

Graz Partner: Knowledge Technologies Institute, Graz University of Technology, Austria/Europe

Duration: 01.02.2011 – 31.01.2014 (36 months)

Funding: Supported by the 7th framework (Information and Communication Technologies) programme (FP7-ICT, STREP) of the European Commission. Grant No.: 269973

  • Total Budget: € 3,912,222.00
  • Total Funding: € 2,869,525.00
  • CSS Budget: € 358,644.00