Generic Responsive Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment

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GRAPPLE aims at delivering to learners a technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environment that guides them through a life-long learning experience, automatically adapting to personal preferences, prior knowledge, skills and competences, learning goals and the personal or social context in which the learning takes place. The same TEL environment can be used/accessed at home, school, work or on the move (using mobile/handheld devices). GRAPPLE will include authoring tools that enable educators to provide adaptive learning material to the learners, including adaptive interactive components (visualizations, simulations, virtual reality). Authoring includes creating or importing content, assigning or extracting meaning from that content, designing learning activities and defining pedagogical properties of and adaptation strategies for the content and activities. To ensure the wide adoption of adaptation in TEL GRAPPLE will work with Open Source and commercial learning management system (LMS) developers to incorporate the generic GRAPPLE functionality in LMSs. Evaluation experiments in higher education and in industry will be performed to verify the usability of the GRAPPLE environment (for authoring and delivery) and to verify the benefits of using adaptive TEL for the learning outcome. Apart from stimulating the use of adaptive TEL by making it available to every organization using a (popular) LMS the GRAPPLE consortium will also organize training/evaluation events to help higher education institutes and companies with the adaptive learning design needed to create adaptive learning material, and to receive usability feedback which the project will use to improve the user interfaces. A distributed user modeling service architecture will help end-users to stay in control of their user profile while at the same time allowing them to use the profile to get personalized access to learning applications offered through different LMSs by different organizations.


Media: Publishable Summary


Partners: EU-Homepage – Participants

Graz Partner: Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria/Europe

Duration: 01.02.2008 – 31.01.2011 (36 months)

Funding: Supported by the 7th framework (Information and Communication Technologies) programme (FP7-ICT, STREP) of the European Commission. Grant No.: 215434

  • Total Budget: € 5,303,577.00
  • Total Funding: € 3,850,000.00
  • CSS Budget: € 239,150.00