Learning Grid of Excellence Working Group

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The establishment of a European Learning Grid infrastructure is an important issue of the 21st century. The basic objective of LeGE-WG is to facilitate related developments and the systematic exchange of information and creating opportunities for collaboration between the different actors.

The working group connects actors from economy, governments and universities with complementary interests in Grid computing. LeGE-WG provides an interdisciplinary consortium of experts and promotes close interaction between the communities associated with them, so as to achieve in­depth understanding of fundamental issues underpinning the application of Grid computing for e­Learning.

Furthermore, the working group intensifies the development of an Learning Grid infrastructure supporting knowledge and technology transfer in multiple directions. The goals are the definition of a number of closely interacting research development projects, and test­bed demonstrations.

The project runs from August 1st, 2002 until July 31st 2004.

The CSS is a principal contractor of this project as its Austrian node. Our special interest lies in the development of new grid-based methods for adaptive e-learning.

EU-Homepage: http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/64019_en.html


Partners: EU-Homepage – Participants

Graz Partner: Department of Psychology, University of Graz, Austria/Europe

Duration: 01.08.2002 – 31.07.2004 (24 months)

Funding: Supported by the 5th framework (Information Societies Technology) programme (FP5-IST) of the European Commission. Grant No.: IST-2001-38763

  • Total Budget: € 715,580.00
  • Total Funding: € 715,580.00
  • CSS Budget: € 16,193.18