TIPADULT – Transferring innovative adult educators’ practices
TIP ADULT hat den Austausch innovativer und effektiver Methoden in der Erwachsenenbildung, insbesondere der Wissensvermittlung und -visualisierung, zwischen den acht Partnereinrichtungen zum Ziel. Die Universität Graz steuert ihre Expertise im Bereich der Cognitive Science Section bei.
TIPADULT, short for Transferring innovative adult educators’ practices, aims for the exchange of innovative and effective methods in adult education between the participating partners.
The aim of the project is twofold:
- Promoting the professional development of adult educators by gathering best practice expertise from partner institutions in TIP Adult project;
- Fostering the competences of Adult educators, particularly on knowledge transfer as well as in gaining experience in international cooperation.
Target groups:
- Adult education organizers – with the aim of finding out how to better organize and ensure the professional development of adult educators;
- Developers and managers of adult education programs – with a view to improving their knowledge and skills in finding out the needs of learners, using ICT, knowledge transfer;
- Adult educators – with the aim of improving their knowledge of adult pedagogy methods and techniques, ICT use, knowledge transfer.
Project Homepage: http://www.tipadult.eu/
- University of Liepāja (Latvia) – coordinator
- Kairos Europe Ltd (UK)
- Topcoach (Slovakia)
- Payas Halk (Turkey)
- Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen (Switzerland)
- Centro Comarcal Educación Permanente de Adultos Alto Guadalentín (Spain)
- University of Graz (Austria)
Graz Partner: University of Graz (UNIGraz) — Cognitive Science Section (CSS), Austria
Contact: Dietrich Albert, Department of Psychology
Duration: 01.09.2019-31.08.2022 (36 month)
Funding: Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, Grant No. 2019-1-LV01-KA204-060346
- Total Funding: € 155,826.00
- CSS Funding: € 16,580.00
Further information on the project:
University of Liepāja (coordinator): https://www.liepu.lv/lv/1264/erasmus-transferring-innovative-adult-educators-practices-tip-adult
EU: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2019-1-LV01-KA204-060346
Workshop: List with links to recorded sessions