On January 10th and 11th, 2023, a Symposium on “Knowledge Spaces and beyond” takes place in Padua. Virtual attendance is also possible.
If you are interested in the Symposium, please send a message to luca.stefanutti[at]unipd.it.
Job Offer: PreDoc Openings in Mathematical and Computational Cognitive Psychology
Please find more information on the job offer: PreDoc Openings in Mathematical and Computational Cognitive Psychology here.
Visiting Professor Xiangen HU
Xiangen HU will be COLIBRI Fellow and Visiting Professor at Cognitive Science Section, Institute of Psychology, University of Graz.
Xiangen HU will hold a special seminar on Self Improving and Self Adaptive Systems – Exemplified by Intelligent Tutoring at University of Graz.
More Information can be found here (UNIGRAZonline – business card) and here (UNIGRAZonline – courses offered).
More Information on Xiangen HU can be found here.
TIPADULT Workshop – recorded sessions now available
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence Research Topic – Call for Abstracts & Manuscripts
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence is developing a new research topic: Distributed Cognition in Learning and Behavioral Change – Based on Human and Artificial Intelligence.
Abstracts and manuscripts discussing this topic are welcome for submission.
The call is open until 2 March 2022, more information can be found here.
Dr. Erich Weichselgartner has joined CSS
We would like to welcome Dr. Erich Weichselgartner in our Team.
He has joined the Cognitive Science Section on 1st February, 2022.
Lilian Reim has joined CSS
We would like to welcome Lilian Reim, MSc, in our Team.
She has joined the Cognitive Science Section on 17th January, 2022 and will be contributing to the EASIER Project.
Dr. Jochen Mosbacher has joined CSS
We would like to welcome Dr. Jochen Mosbacher in our Team.
He has joined the Cognitive Science Section on 1st January, 2022 and will be contributing to the AI-Refit Project.
AI-Refit Project started in November 2021
The AI-Refit Project, funded by FFG, started on November 1st 2021 and will last 24 month.
AI-Refit, short for AI-enabled Playful Enhancement of Resilience and Self-Efficacy with Psychological Learning Theory, aims for developing a radically innovative prototype of a digital care centre for (i) a playful AI- and sensor-enabled assessment of mental health and (ii) adaptively engaging into activities to prevent from depressive symptoms, severe anxiety and stress levels, to reinforce resilience and to promote self-efficacy of the individual, based on scientific psychological learning theory. (iii) Wearables are integrated to capture daily lifestyle data for a comprehensive contextual assessment.
The project is led by Joanneum Resarch. Project partners are the Cognitive Science Section, University of Graz, as well as digitAAL Life GmbH, Medical University of Graz, and Symptoma GmbH .
More information on the project can be found here.
Neue FWF-Forschungsgruppe beginnt ihre Arbeit
TU Graz, Med Uni Graz und Uni Graz arbeiten an einem Informationssystem, das medizinische Inhalte zielgerichtet auf Personen zuschneidet.
Ein digitales Medium, das Vorhersagen über das individuelle Informationsbedürfnis von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern treffen kann, deren kognitiven Fähigkeiten erkennt und auf Basis dieser Daten qualitativ hochwertige medizinische Inhalte verständlich und anschaulich vermittelt? Continue reading