The Cognitive Science Section (CSS) is an interdisciplinary research group consisting of psychologists and computer scientists at the Department of Psychology, University of Graz (UniGraz), Austria. From 2009 to 2019 CSS has been located at Graz University of Technology (TUGraz), Austria.
In general, the CSS targets research fields where cognitive psychology meets technology. More precisely, its research areas encompass the fields of technology-enhanced learning and related technologies, decision making and decision support systems, adaptation and personalization, cognitive modeling, human factors in secure society research, and user-centered evaluation of computer applications. CSS follows a multi-disciplinary approach to assemble solid psychological theories, methodologies, and technologies in formal frameworks that guide and integrate research and development. The group has worked and gained experience in more than thirty research projects on national and European level in the context of Technology-enhanced Learning, Secure Society, Cultural Heritage, and Smart Cities.
Head: Dietrich Albert (dietrich.albert[at]
Deputy Heads:
- Bettina Kubicek (bettina.kubicek[at]
- Michael Bedek (michael.bedek[at]
- Margit Pohl (margit[at]