Sarah von Götz, MSc.
Doctoral Student
E-Mail: sarah.von-goetz[at]uni-graz.at
Sarah von Götz, MSc, graduated with a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Graz and is currently working on her PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Albert. Her master thesis examined the perceptions of automated robots as moral decision-makers in ethical dilemmas, particularly focusing on judgements of blame and trust, as well as the impact of anthropomorphic features. While pursuing her master’s degree, she contributed as a student project assistant to the research project A+CHIS (Human-Centered Interactive Adaptive Visual Approaches in High-Quality Health Information), which is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). She is currently working towards her PhD while continuing work in the A+CHIS project. Her research is centred on the perceived credibility of health information, aiming to identify the factors at both the individual and information level that influence how credibility is perceived. She is part of the Doctoral School of Psychology within the Doctoral Program in Natural Sciences and is an associate member and doctoral candidate in the Field of Excellence COLIBRI – Complexity of Life in Basic Research and Innovation.
Project: A+CHIS