Die Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Steiermark (AK Steiermark) hat – vertreten durch ihren Direktor Dr. Wolfgang Bartosch und ihren Präsidenten Josef Pesserl – im Rahmen ihres Projektfonds 4.0 auf Basis der positiven Beurteilung durch den externen Fachbeitrag das von Dietrich Albert und Michael Bedek (CSS) beantragte Projekt „Konzept für ein Personalisiertes, Adaptives Informations-System für ArbeitnehmerInnen (PAISA)“ für förderungswürdig erklärt. Als Projektbeginn ist der 1. Oktober 2020 mit einer Projektdauer von 9 Monaten vorgesehen.
Category Archives: Project
CODALoop Project concluded
The CODALoop Project (short for Community Data-Loops for Energy-Efficient Urban Lifestyles), an ERA-NET Cofund Smart Cities & Communities project, started in May 2016 and has now been officially concluded.
The results are presented Continue reading
TIPADULT Project started in October 2019
The TIPADULT Project, an ERASMUS+ Project, started on October 1st 2019 and will last 30 month.
TIPADULT, short for Transferring innovative adult educators’ practices, aims for the exchange of innovative and effective methods in adult education between the participating partners.
The project is led by the University of Liepāja (Latvia). Continue reading
Escaping the (Mental) Echo Chamber
We are pleased that two of our projects have been chosen as “Project of the Week” by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Overcoming Mental Fixation (OMFix) and Facing the Threads of Virtual Echo Chambers in School (TCS).
The press release can be found on FWF’s scilog in English as well as in German.
PROVENANCE Project started in December 2018
The PROVENANCE Project, a new Horizon 2020 project, started at Graz University of Technology (TUGraz), Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science (ISDS), in which Dietrich Albert is still involved.
PROVENANCE (short for: Providing Verification Assistance for New Content) started on December 2018 and will last 36 months. Continue reading
The RAGE Project at the European Parliament
The RAGE project was asked to take part on 20 and 21 November 2018 at a meeting of the European Parliament in Brussels. Together with 9 other projects, RAGE had been selected from hundreds of current research and innovation projects in the Horizon2020 Program of the European Commission. Continue reading