Vortrag “Innovative Mobilität am Beispiel von Projekten und Perspektiven der Stadtwerke Bonn Verkehrs-GmbH”

Die Steirischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie lädt zu folgendem Vortrag ein: „Innovative Mobilität am Beispiel von Projekten und Perspektiven der Stadtwerke Bonn Verkehrs-GmbH“ mit Lena Klöckner, Projektmanagerin Unternehmenssteuerung / Geschäftsfeldentwicklung, Stadtwerke Bonn Verkehr-GmbH.

Zeit und Ort: Donnerstag, den 27.2.2025 um 17:00 Uhr im HS 02.21, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz.

Weitere Informationen hier.

Kick-Off-Meeting “ToCoReRaM”

The project “ToCoReRaM – TOol for COmplete REcovery of RAw Materials”, funded by ZUG gGmbh and EURENI, started on November 1st, 2024 and will last 21 months.

The project aims to redesign the Product Development Process to prioritize the recovery of raw materials from end-of-life products. A tool will be developed to help SMEs meet Green Deal requirements by enhancing sustainability, enabling lifecycle analysis, and defining recycling pathways and value chains optimized for recovery.

On December 12 and 13, 2024, the Kick-Off-Meeting for the project will take place at the University of Graz. Project partners from Ostfalia – Hochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Germany, and from the Atlantic Technological University in Galway, Ireland, will come to Graz to discuss the first steps of the project.

CSS at INGE-St. Day

Under the title MIND & BRAIN, the INGE-St. Day on December 2, 2024, showcased current research projects from several universities in Graz. The Cognitive Science Section contributed with poster presentations from the A+CHIS and ITHACA projects. The event provided an excellent opportunity to share insights into one’s own research, network with early-career researchers and experts, and explore exciting projects from other participants.
See also:
Poster A+CHIS

Presentation at “GRANITE – EJEA: Europe meets Japan: Intercultural Workshop on Data Sovereignty and Generative AI”

On September 24, 2024, Maria Zangl, who is currently working in the ITHACA project, presented ongoing doctoral research and already conducted research within ITHACA at the “GRANITE – EJEA: Europe meets Japan: Intercultural Workshop on Data Sovereignty and Generative AI” during the Informatikfestival 2024 in Wiesbaden. Her presentation, titled “Empowering Citizens for AI: Assessing Public’s Misconceptions about Large Language Models,” focused on conceptualizing an adaptive assessment to address public misconceptions about ChatGPT. The research, aligning with the workshop’s theme of Data Sovereignty and Generative AI, aims to enhance public understanding and engagement with AI technologies and to support especially vulnerable groups in the AI era.
The presentation slides can be found here.
More information about the Informatikfestival 2024: https://informatik2024.gi.de/Info.html
More information about the GRANITE – EJEA Workshop: https://informatik2024.gi.de/programmuebersicht.html?action=detail&params[id]=2

ITHACA Meeting in Bratislava

Maria Zangl and Michael Bedek from the Cognitive Science Section traveled to Bratislava for the plenary meeting of the research project “ITHACA – Artificial Intelligence to enhance civic participation”. Aim of the meeting was to continue on the development of an AI-supported citizen participation platform with the partners of this EU project.

A+CHIS at the Long Night of Research 2024

Together with our colleagues from the Graz University of Technology and the Medical University of Graz, the Cognitive Science Section team at the Graz University managed an interactive booth at the Long Night of Research 2024 in Graz on May 24th (https://langenachtderforschung.at/). Numerous visitors had the opportunity to try out the current version of the A+CHIS-prototype, experiencing research firsthand during its development and evaluation phases. At the same time, their interest and valuable feedback made a significant contribution towards creating a user-oriented and easily accessible consumer health information system.